New & Quick to help with: repertoire | dynamics | rhythm | song choice
YouTubes: (current concert)
- African Prayer
- Siyahamba – sorry, SATB, but good.
- What Would I Do Without My Music
- O, Love (Male Choir, piano accompanist)
- Walking
- Flowers of the Field
- Calon Lan by Luke Evans – learn words, watch his lips
- Calon Lan “wow” Morriston Orpheus
- Antonaf Angel
- Keep Hauling – Original band
- Shenandoah (from RAH)
- Skye Boat Song
- The Sound of Silence
- Tea for Two
- The Gendarmes Duet (Bonus: an RCA 1929 duet, our founders maybe heard this.)
- Rhythm of Life
- When the Saints Go Marching In
- Cwm Rhondda (from RAH)
Other YouTubes: (or just for fun…)